Meet the core team of illiquid labs
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Meet the core team of illiquid labs
Last updated
Illiquid Labs is co-founded by Jack and Karma. Having created the first NFT DAO on Cosmos as core team members of Galactic Punks, we bring on board extensive understanding of the NFT ecosystem and its needs. Illiquid labs is lucky to have Nick as the lead developer and can rely on his experience with creation of tooling on cosmos IBC chains - including minting contracts, NFT marketplaces, DeFi products and user oriented NFT tooling. His efforts go hand in hand with these of Mario, who as a fullstack dev and passionate NFT collectooor has already made a name for himself in many Discord communities.
Our thesis is simple - we want to support the growth of Terra & Cosmos NFT ecosystem that we love and spend every working hour in. Our goal is to ensure safety of users and accelerate development by providing tooling for other teams and NFT collectors alike. We plan to do so by learning from & improving on experiences made on other chains. Our plans for Illiquid Labs are based on evaluation of the features and user feedback of relevant NFT infrastructure from Solana (Yawww P2P hub) and Ethereum (,,,, and many more...).